Recent Projects
Sounds Unseen, an exhibition commissioned by St. Ann’s Warehouse in New York, is a visual narrative of life in the ‘Jungle’ refugee camp in Northern France, seen through the work of The Calais Sessions - a live music and recording project which I photographed over a period of several months. The exhibition was also presented by the Galway International Arts Festival.
Displaced Connections, is a selection of images taken whilst documenting the work of the arts-led NGO Clowns Without Borders UK, in temporary refugee settlements in Serbia and Greece. The photographs were exhibited at the 12 Star Gallery at Europe House in London.
Traces, a collaboration with performance artist Marisa Garreffa, explores ritual and performance, and the intersection between photography, creative process and live art.
For the Brighton-based arts charity Root Experience I created a series of collaborative portraits of people living with invisible disabilities. The images accompanied the launch of the book Hidden Stories.
Since 2013 I’ve been photographing the annual Taragalte Festival of music and nomadic culture on the edge of the Sahara Desert in South Morocco.
In Truth to Power Café with London Artists Projects, my portrait photographs of participants contribute to the live theatrical narrative.
For Theyyam - Living Deities I photographed the nocturnal ritual performances of these ancient Hindu ceremonies of Northern Kerala.
Assignments with theatre artists, musicians, choreographers and dancers have included Circus Hub - a residency with international circus artists in Edinburgh, touring the UK with the Kinshasa Symphony Orchestra, and collaborations with Crying in the Wilderness Productions, choreographer Kettly Noël, and physical theatre company New Public.
Something has Already Happened was published by Seagull Books in the anthology Writing Places - the culmination of an artistic residency in Kolkata as part of Re:Imagine India with the National Centre for Writing & the British Council.
Life in the Time of Corona contains photographs taken in my neighbourhood of London SE1 during the first COVID-19 lockdown.